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Ageless Invisalign: Can You Ever Be “Too Old” For Treatment?

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — licdentalassociates @ 3:19 pm
Older patient smiling with their Invisalign

Many patients believe that orthodontic treatments, like Invisalign, are only for teenagers and young adults. However, the truth is that Invisalign can be a great choice for a straight smile at any age! Whether you’re in your 30s, 50s, or even 70s and beyond, it’s never too late to achieve a beautiful smile. Continue reading to learn why Invisalign might be the perfect solution for you, regardless of your age.

Why Age Doesn’t Matter

Invisalign has no problems straightening teeth at any age. The treatment is tailored to your specific needs, no matter how old you are. The clear aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth and gradually shift them into their desired positions. This personalized approach ensures effective results for both young adults and older patients alike!

Aspects You Should Be Aware Of

While you’ll have no issues using Invisalign, there are certain aspects of the treatment that will be different for older patients.

It May Take Longer

Many adults think that their teeth are set in stone once they reach a certain age. While it’s true that the jaw does become denser after childhood, it doesn’t mean your teeth can’t be moved. However, the treatment may take longer compared to a younger patient.

It May Be More of a Financial Burden

When you were young, your parents or guardians were most likely responsible for most of your treatment. However, as an adult, payment now falls upon you. While most adults have the means to afford treatment, many older patients—especially retired ones, may not.

It Can Be Harder to Make Time

As you get older, you take on more responsibilities and have a more ingrained daily routine. Invisalign can be a big commitment in terms of time, so many adults may have difficulties adjusting their routines. The aligners need to be worn for 20-22 hours per day to be effective, leaving little room for planned meals, let alone snacking.

How Can I Make Invisalign Work for Me?

While there are aspects of Invisalign that can be harder for older patients, it’s not impossible to make it work. Here are some tips for preparing yourself for clear aligner treatment:

Plan and Practice

Now that you know aligners take time, you can start to structure your routine as if you had them. Plan out your meal and oral care times and start to get into a rhythm. Once you have a routine in place, you know you’re ready for treatment.

Make a Budget

Schedule a consultation with your dentist and get an estimate on your Invisalign treatment. Then you can begin to set aside money a little at a time. You can also ask them about any financing options they provide to make the cost easier to shoulder.

Stay Motivated

One great advantage that older patients have over younger ones is their ability to self-motivate. Your treatment is an investment in your smile and your future, so it’s important to remember why you’re doing it. This will help you stay committed and keep your treatment on track.

Invisalign is a versatile and effective orthodontic treatment for patients of all ages! Whether you’re a young professional or a senior looking to improve your smile, the clear aligners offer a discreet, comfortable, and convenient solution. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist or orthodontist to jump on this opportunity for a better smile.

About the Practice

If you’re looking for a dental expert in Long Island City to provide you with a great Invisalign experience, LIC Dental Associates can help! They have a talented team of dental professionals ready and eager to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Call (718) 280-3286 to schedule an Invisalign consultation or visit the website to discover other services and treatment options.

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