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I’m Dreaming of a Pearly White Christmas – With Red Wine

December 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — licdentalassociates @ 8:56 pm
Two friends tapping their red wine glasses together at holiday meal

If you like to enjoy a glass of red wine around the holidays, you might be wondering how you’re going to keep your teeth pearly and white. Fortunately, there are ways you can “have your red wine and drink it too.” Keep reading for a list of tips that’ll help make your holiday smile dreams come true.

Clean Before You Drink

“What about brushing and flossing after I finish my wine?” You might ask. As it turns out, brushing your teeth right after drinking something acidic – like wine – can expose your teeth to staining pigments. This is because acid softens your enamel, making it more vulnerable. It’s still a good idea to clean your teeth after draining your wine glass; just make sure to wait for about 30 minutes.

If you brush and floss before pouring out your favorite red wine brand, you’ll avoid yellowing caused by unmitigated plaque buildup. In fact, maintain a routine of brushing twice daily and flossing once daily so your teeth are as pristine as possible for the holidays!

Keep Water Nearby

Staining happens when strong pigments and plaque stick to your teeth, but it usually takes a little bit of time for these dental yellowers to settle into your smile. To help dislodge staining debris, take intermittent sips of water while enjoying your wine. For a squeaky-clean finish, go ahead and rinse your mouth once you’re done with your wine.

Eat as You Sip

It might seem counterintuitive but eating dairy or crunchy veggies with your wine can help prevent staining as well. Cheese, yogurt, broccoli, carrots, and other such foods stimulate saliva production, which washes debris from your pearly whites and neutralizes acids. Plus, who doesn’t want an excellent spread of cheese with their wine?

Touch Up Your Dental Cosmetics

If you haven’t already done so recently, it could be a good idea to touch up any dental cosmetics you might have. Porcelain veneers, dental bonding, and metal-free restorations can last a long time, but will start to show some discoloration due to normal wear and tear. Depending on your needs, your dentist can give your cosmetics new life by polishing them or replacing them entirely.

Let your dental professional know what you have in mind, and they’ll make sure your smile is as ready for the holidays as you are!

About the Practice

Our dental professionals at LIC Dental Associates understand the importance of a white smile during the holidays – and that turning down a glass of red wine can be difficult! If you’d like help keeping your teeth stain-free so you can enjoy your favorite celebratory drink, contact our office at 718-280-3286.

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